Admin Login

The – 192.168.l0.1 IP address is a private gateway to access routers like TP-Link, D-Link, WAVLINK, TRENDnet, Comfast, Buffalo, Edimax, Netis, and Medialink. Use this IP to change settings, WiFi passwords, set up security, and adjust network options. Router IP Address

To set up and manage your router, enter in the address bar or click the button below.

How to Log in to Easy Steps to Follow

To access your router’s admin panel, follow these steps:

Step 1 – Connect to the Router

Ensure your device is connected to the router via any of the following methods:

  • WiFi (wireless connection)
  • Ethernet cable (wired connection, more stable)

Connect to the Router

Step 2 – Open a Web Browser

  • In the address bar, type: using Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, or Microsoft Edge.
  • Press Enter. If it fails, ensure the IP is correct.

Open a Web Browser

Step 3 – Enter Router Login Details

Use the default username and password:

  • Username: admin
  • Password: admin / password

Enter Router Login Details

Click Login to access the router settings page.

Some Default Username and Password List

Here is the list of usernames and passwords for all routers

192.168.l0.1 Login Problems & Easy Solutions

If you can’t access, here are some possible reasons and fixes.

Problem 1 – Wrong IP Address

  • Incorrect: http://192.168.l0.1 (contains letter “l” instead of 1 “one”)
  • Correct URL:
  • Solution: Copy & paste the correct IP in your browser.

Problem 2 – Router Login Page Not Loading

  • Possible reasons:
    • Router is off.
    • Device is not connected to the network.
    • Another IP address is in used (e.g. or
  • Solution: Check the power connection and try as an IP address.

Problem: 3 – Forgotten Username/Password

  • Solution:
    • Find default IP and Password on the router label.
    • Reset the router to factory settings, If necessary

How to reset a Forgotten Router Password for

Forgot your router login for No problem! Just follow these steps to get back your orginal router’s settings.

Step 1: Type in your browser to access router admin

  • Open any web browser like Chrome or Firefox.
  • Type in the address bar and press Enter.
  • On the login page, enter your username and password.

Step 2: Log in with Default Username and Password.

If you’re accessing for the first time, use the default login details provided by your ISP or router brand.

Find the default username and password:

  • On a sticker at the back of the router.
  • In the box.
  • In the manual

Log in with Default Username and Password.

Step 3: Reset Your Router to Default/Factory Settings

If you can’t remember your username and password or the default login details are not working, reset to factory settings:

  • Find the Reset button at the back of the router.
  • Press and hold the Reset button for 10-15 seconds
  • Wait for the LED lights to blink red or flash, once the router restart, default settings are restored

Reset Your Router to Default/Factory Settings

Step 4: Log in With the Default Username and Password

  • After resetting, go to in your browser.
  • Log in with the default username and Password.
  • Create a new WiFi password and configure network settings.

Step 5: Troubleshooting Router Login Problems

If you can’t access, try these steps:

  • Make sure the Ethernet cable is plugged in properly.
  • Check that your device is connected to the WiFi.
  • See if your router has connected with another IP like or
  • Ask for help from your internet service provider or router manufacturar.

These steps will help you reset your router and restore access

How to Find Your Router’s IP Address on Different Devices


  1. Press the Windows button or open the Start menu.
  2. Type “cmd” and select Command Prompt.
  3. Type ipconfig and press Enter.
  4. Find “Default Gateway” this is your router’s IP.

Find “Default Gateway” this is your router’s IP.


  1. Click on the Apple menu (top-left corner).
  2. Select System Preferences.
  3. Open Network and choose your active connection.
  4. Go to Advanced, then click TCP/IP.
  5. Find your router’s IP address next to “Router”


  1. Open Terminal from Applications > System Tools.
  2. Type the following command: ip route | grep default and press Enter.
  3. The “inet addr” section will display your router’s IP address.


iPhone (iOS):

  1. Open Settings > WiFi.
  2. Tap on your connected network.
  3. Scroll to DHCP settings.
  4. Find your router’s IP address next to “Router”


  1. Download Wi-Fi Analyzer from the Play Store
  2. Open the app and go to View menu.
  3. Select AP List.
  4. Tap “Connected to Wifi Name
  5. A window will display your router’s IP address.

Chrome OS (Chromebooks):

  1. Open the notification area (bottom-right corner).
  2. Click “Connected to Wifi Name
  3. Select your WiFi network.
  4. Open the Network tab.
  5. Your router’s IP address will be displayed.

How to Configure Advanced Router Settings

You can also configure advanced features.

Change Local IP Address

To avoid network conflicts:

  • Go to Setup > Network Settings.
  • Set a new private IP Address (ex.,
  • Click Apply and restart..

Enable Guest WiFi Network

Create a guest WiFi:

  • Go to Wireless > Guest Network..
  • Turn on Guest Network.
  • Set a SSID (Wifi Name) & password for guests.

How to Change SSID (WiFi Name) and Password

Change your WiFi name and password to keep it safe.

Step 1 – Open Wireless Settings

  • Log in and find “Wireless Settings” or “WiFi Settings”.

Step 2 – Change (Wireless Network Name) SSID

  • Find the SSID field and set a new WiFi name

Change (WiFi Name) SSID

Step 3 – Change WiFi (Wireless Password)

  • Go to Security Settings and select WPA3 or WPA2-PSK encryption.
  • Set a secure new password.
  • Click Save/Apply to update.

Change WiFi Password

Note: After changing the SSID or Password you need to re-connet your existing connected device using new SSID and password


The IP address to adjust your router settings, manage security, and set up WiFi. This keeps your internet secure and fast, for the best performance.

FAQ IP Adddress :

What is

An – is a private IP address used as a default gateway by many routers. It allows users to access the router’s admin panel and modify network settings. is a common IP address for routers. It lets you reach the admin panel and change network settings.

Q - How do I log in to

An – Connect to your network using WiFi or a cable. Then, open a web browser and type in the address bar. Log in with the username ‘admin’ and the password ‘admin’ or ‘password’. Then click ‘Login’ to proceed.